Word + Sacrament + Community


Weekly Services

Weekly Service Stream

We are continually trying to figure out how to best transition back to in person services, and are no longer live streaming the service. Footage of the service will still be posted here and on our YouTube channel after Church every week.


Our Liturgy



Our service like our Church stems from scripture. With readings and scripture driven sermons, we emphasis the doctrinal importance of the scriptures. While our worship is laden with tradition, scripture is the hand that guides it all. We love our traditions and liturgy so much partially because of its roots in scriptures. No matter what else we do, scripture will always be the reason why we do it.


While we recognize the importance and supremacy of the scriptures, we maintain a true love and respect for tradition. While Scripture might be the source of our worship, tradition gives it form. Our worship steams out of the beautifully written 1928 Book of Common Prayer, connecting us with a liturgical tradition going back hundreds of years, and when considering the Latin root of the prayer book anther several centuries. Making us part of a liturgical tradition older than most countries on the Earth today.


Scripture driven, and formed by tradition, our service climaxes with the institution of Holy Communion, the service handed down through generations of Christians at the Lord’s commandment “And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.”(ESV)



While not part of our Liturgy, we would be remiss if we failed to mention our community in any discussion of our services. We are a strong family, unified by love and ties of Christian brotherhood, and we try our best to make everyone feel welcome and to enjoy themselves as we gather every Sunday.




10:00am Holy Communion Service

Stop by…

Visitor? Feel free to stop by and join our service. We would love to see you there. Being a small but dedicated community, we will try our best to make you feel like part of the family